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Setting Intentions - 2022


“INTENTION is more then wishful thinking. It’s willful direction.” - Jennifer Williamson

It’s a new year and of course everywhere you turn people are talking about goals, resolutions, intentions, bucket lists, and the word of the year. I love all that but it has never worked for me. I needed something different, something to focus on each month, especially now during the winter in Utah and the lingering pandemic. I decided to do a month to month goal. I started out with 2 that worked together, yoga and meditation. I did the Yoga with Adriane 30 day yoga journey Move. For meditation I use the Ten Percent Happier app. I didn’t set out with a planned 12 month list, and am seeing what intention I want to set as each month comes. Hint: you can tell what’s next if you look at the pictures above.

How does that fit with my studio - My Little Blue Shed? Well I am still processing a lot of that. I know I want to try and build a community where I live. I enjoyed meeting people, sharing stories, sharing my love of textiles, sharing food, and building a community. Right now I am in the planning stage of more gatherings, and other types of community building activities. That’s where you come in.

Are there things you would like to learn? (baking, creating, decorating) 

Do you just want to gather with others and get inspired to create? 

Would you be interested in a time to create using my studio space and equipment?

I have decide to take my INTENTION of building a community and move it from wishful thinking to willful direction. Thank you for being a part of that.


FIKA - Make time for yourself, or enjoy time with a friend.

During Christmas time, I took a deep dive into Scandinavian baking. In January I began looking for a perfect rye bread for an open face sandwich (smørrebrød in Danish), I found just what I wanted in this recipe from True North Kitchen for Sourdough Danish Rye Bread - Rugbrød. That lead me to another deep dive into rye flour, and a long list of rye recipes I want to try. First up were Rye Chocolate Chip Cookies, and next I tried Soft Rye Ginger Molasses Cookies, both were a wonderful treat with my cup of tea. I would have never thought of a cake made with rye flour but I am trying that next. Whether you make something or buy something, try and make time every day for a fika. If you make any of these let me know, #fikabakes.

You might notice that I do a little mixing of my Scandinavian countries, that’s because my husband comes from Danish heritage and I come from Swedish heritage.


Something To Share 

The Art Of The Danish Open-Face Sandwich  

Everything Must Be Paid for Twice  

Seasonal Playlists


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