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Isolation Stitching - By Myself

Nothing is more meditative then sitting quietly and doing lots of tiny stitches. In March I put together all my prepared fabric and headed out to my shed. I designed on paper and then transferred that to fabric. Once the grid or outlines were on the fabric it was time to sit and stitch. I listened to podcast, and music while stitching out back on the porch of my little blue shed. With everyone home it was a little space I could call mine. 

I did a lot of stitching, made some large pieces, some of the largest I have done. I spent most of May, June, and July first stitching and then dyeing those pieces. I plan to get a few more large pieces stitched over the winter to be ready to dye come March/April.

When the weather turned cold I moved my studio inside the nice warm house. One of the perks of the boys moving out, I have a dedicated space inside to call mine. I plan to do some designing, stitching, and sewing during the winter. I will of course also be knitting by the fire these cold months. I try to keep the dyeing to outside because of the mess, so far this has worked out fine. Since I'm inside I can do a bit more baking.

Back in October I was given some sourdough starter and that took over my days, (and my kitchen). It's like having a small pet. No one in my house is complaining about the weekly fresh bread and the weekly discard recipes I'm trying out. I have made bread before but this is part science and part art with the scoring. I have been saving lots of designs to try out. I realized the other day that I could do some of the stitched designs as scoring and vice versa. I look forward to combining the stitched pieces with the scored loaves of bread.


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