“VELKOMMEN til en Hyggestrurd pÃ¥” A sign at Maude’s restaurant in Copenhagen “WELCOME to One Fun time” (translation) Copenhagen was definitely one fun time. The food, the people, the weather, the clothes, and the danishes were all better than I had hoped. I am planning to carry over some of that fun time to this fall. I am also hoping to carry over some of the good food, and of course the danishes. I hadn’t planned on any clothes shopping but when your luggage goes missing for 4 days you get to add a little more Scandinavian look to your wardrobe. What I loved and what I will try and bring into my days back home are the work life balance, the time to just be, the not so sweet danishes, and the walking & biking culture. Mr Blue Shed dislikes the term work-life balance because there is never an even balance between the two. Maybe a better way to refer to it is a mindfulness approach to living. Be mindful of where you are and what it is you're doing. That is a ...
“Playing around is a way to learn what you really like and how to get it. A way to stretch your imagination and build your confidence in the kitchen.” Dorie Greenspan It’s officially summer and time to play, I am a firm believer that play is NOT and should NOT be just for kids. Adults also need to keep playing. That can be in the form of sports, crafts, baking, gardening, and many other things. I am taking that quote above out of the kitchen and applying to my design work as well. I started playing around with a bit of visible mending and just let the areas that needed reinforcing guide where my stitches took me. Adding a bit of soft color in to the mix really made it fun. If you see me at the markets you might see the finished jeans, circles on one leg, lines on the other. The playing around made the job of mending a lot more fun and the jeans are definitely fun to wear. I also took to playing around with what I would make and sell at the markets. Look for a few new ite...