“INTENTION is more then wishful thinking. It’s willful direction.” - Jennifer Williamson It’s a new year and of course everywhere you turn people are talking about goals, resolutions, intentions, bucket lists, and the word of the year. I love all that but it has never worked for me. I needed something different, something to focus on each month, especially now during the winter in Utah and the lingering pandemic. I decided to do a month to month goal. I started out with 2 that worked together, yoga and meditation. I did the Yoga with Adriane 30 day yoga journey Move. For meditation I use the Ten Percent Happier app. I didn’t set out with a planned 12 month list, and am seeing what intention I want to set as each month comes. Hint: you can tell what’s next if you look at the pictures above. How does that fit with my studio - My Little Blue Shed? Well I am still processing a lot of that. I know I want to try and build a community where I live. I enjoyed meeting people, shari...
This is where I share what brings me joy. It might be some baking, creating, or design. Are you ready to be inspired?